Family Law

Whether the issues relate to property division, care arrangements for children or financial support for married, defacto or same sex couples, Michael Zande is an accredited Family Law specialist with over 25 years’ experience in the field.

Michael heads up a team of highly qualified lawyers and paralegals.

We understand these are times of high emotional and financial distress. Many clients tell us that in the early days after separation, the first thing they would really like to know is where they stand in relation to potential issues for which they cannot reach agreement with their ex partners. Also, many potential first time clients tell us that they would prefer to first test the waters with the solicitor to make sure they are perfectly comfortable with that solicitor representing them before they are prepared to commit to engaging the solicitor to actually represent them in the dispute.

That’s why we offer an initial consultation for potential new clients which is a one off fixed fee consultation where we can usually spell out what you’re entitled to, how you can get it, how long it will take and what it will cost. The consultations can run for either an unlimited time or for a strict one half hour depending on your needs.

If you would like to know the fee and/or the first available time for an appointment or simply to make an appointment then please do not hesitate to contact us on 07 3385 0999 or to make an enquiry/booking.